Reinventing Polysomnography in the Age of Precision Medicine
For almost 50 years, sleep laboratories around the world have been collecting massive amounts of polysomnographic (PSG) physiological data to diagnose sleep disorders, the majority of which are not utilized in the clinical setting. Only a small fraction of the information available within these signals is utilized to generate indices. For example, the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) remains the primary tool for diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) despite repeated studies showing it to be inadequate in predicting clinical consequences. Today, there are many novel approaches to PSG signals, making it possible to extract more complex metrics and analyses that are potentially more clinically relevant for individual patients. However, the pathway to implement novel PSG metrics/analyses into routine clinical practice is unclear. Our goal with this review is to highlight some of the novel PSG metrics/analyses that are becoming available. We suggest that stronger academic-industry relationships would facilitate the development of state-of-the-art clinical research to establish the value of novel PSG metrics/analyses in clinical sleep medicine. Collectively, as a sleep community, it is time to reinvent how we utilize the polysomnography to move us towards Precision Sleep Medicine.
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